Monday, August 31, 2015

More about Me

In this blog post  I am just going to tell you more about me and I would love to hear more about you in the comments.

Color: My favorite color is blue. I love bright colors. I also like black but other than that I don't really like dark colors.

Animal: My favorite animals are dogs but I love all animals and I try to treat every one the same. Here is an analogy. I am to animals as dog is to squirrel. DOG!!!!!

Instrument: My favorite instrument is my voice. I love to play my piano too. I also love to play guitar.

I love sewing and doing crafts. I love volleyball especially with the Patriots and I love my youth group at my church.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Best 5

the five best things that happened in the summer are...

My mom took me to a Tarzan play that all my friends were in and we went to IHOP with them after the play.

2.Attack of the Zombies
I went to an acting camp and the theme was attack of the zombies. At the end we put on the play for a lot of people. This was the first time I was actually in a play. I was a character named Anne. before the play everyone started to pray and one girl came up to me and asked "can I pray with you?".

There is a homeschool volleyball team called the Patriots and I tried out for the team. I am now playing volleyball with the Patriots and it is so much fun. we practice on Mondays and Thursdays.

4. Cousins
My cousins came over a lot during the summer and we had a good time doing a lot of fun things.
My cousins are Jessica,Christi, and Kayla.

I love the weather in summer. It is so amazing. I also love doing things with my family and no school of course.