Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Yay ME!
I couldn't believe today. When I got up I had to do homework. My mom made my school schedule for the week. I did cursive and math. My daddy got to stay home today and he doesn't get to do that that often. My brother and sister then had to go to soccer while I had to go to choir. This is where the unbelievable part happens. So I went to choir and sung Chattanooga Choo Choo. Did a couple warm ups and then it was time to annouce the rewards for who raised more than $50.00 dollars and I was the last person to be called up. Our reward was a free buffet at Cici's Pizza and 20% off the whole price at Orange Leaf. I was the last one cause I raised the most money. I raised $120.00. And then we went to Cici's Pizza with a free buffet.
The Ligons
Today we didn't just have fun, we had fun with the Ligon's family. First we went to the same church as the Ligon's family. Our church is awesome. Pastor Greg is in the Ligon's family. At bibleland Mr. Ross told the story and I think he is the best story teller ever. We went over the rules. The first rule was don'teth talketh during Mr. Rosseseth talking eth eth. The second rule was keep your nose hairs and turtles to yourself. The thurd rule was actually good advice. The good advice was don't sit on an onion being chased by a pink gorilla. After church, we went to Raising Canes with the Ligons. Lunch was delicious. I had lemonade to drink. Then we went to the rodeo grounds with, you guessed it, the Ligons. There we went to the HEB Buddy farm. Next we went shoot BB guns. Then we saw a show with, you know, the Ligons, and it was funny because Dogs were jumping off of a dock and seeing how far they could go. Some of them didn't actually jump off but some of them jumped as far as 21 feet. The one I thought was the cutest was named Jazelle. I can't remember the one who won. Then, as Mr. Greg says, we went to "THE GREATEST CARNIVAL ON EARTH" we made it. We went on the fun slide and my sister and father went on the whatever you call it, the carousel. We had so much fun with the Ligons and I Hope we can have another family date with them.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
School and sleepover
Today I had so much fun. First I got dressed. Next I went to this school conference thing. I actually was in daycare. I was doing connect four and crafts and face paints and bubble gum bubble gum in a dish. We had pizza, cookies, and juice boxes for lunch. After we were done eating the spurs coyote entered the daycare. He did something funny where he dribble the ball, then he pretended to kiss one of the girls in the daycare. After that they handed out prizes to the people in daycare. When it was time to go we went to a choir performance. It was fun. And Then I was having a sleepover with my friend. We played a lot of games.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Clothes and Video
Today I got to go to my friend's house and play. My friends name is Haidyn. She is 9 years old and she is great at singing and imagination. We played a game where I was a ordinary college girl and she was all popular and then we finally become friends and had little fights but we ended up being rock stars. In the game her name was Taylor and my name was Burnett. At the end of the play date they let me have some clothes that don't fit my friend anymore and I think I am going to wear one of them on Sunday at my church. Then it was time to go to choir. At the end of choir we watched a video about my friend's sister singing a song with one of the choir girls named Elise. We had so much fun and we also are having a sleepover on Saturday.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Car dealership and mouse
Today I had so much fun. First I got dressed. Next I went to the car dealership. Then we figured out that we can't go back to the dealership because our cars are at the car dealership. So we started a workout. It was called Insanity. After that we watched Nacho Libre. My sister, Emaleigh was play outside and she came in yelling ITS A MOUSE! And everybody put on there shoes and looked out side at the mouse. Later we saw another one dead. I will never forget the first day I saw a mouse.
Dentist and choir
Today I had to go to the dentist to get my teeth sealed. I was scared but I did great. First they showed me what they were going to do. Then they used this orange thingamajig to hold my teeth open so I couldn't close it the whole time. Next they vacuumed my teeth. After that than they polished my teeth. And last they washed it. And then I went to choir and told all of my friends about my teeth. We did Chattanooga choo choo as a song with dancing. And we also did the National Anthem, God Bless America and Battle Hymn. I had a great time.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Work and World War 2
Today I got to go to work with my dad. We had a lot of work to do. It was fun. I mostly did mailing and shredding. I also wrote on a piece of paper ten facts about World War 2. I looked stuff up on the Wikipedia. My friend shavaun helped me do my work. Work was hard too. But I loved it.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
My dog and church
I love my dog. She is black and pretty. When I woke up today she was in my bed in what I like to call, her corner, and she was giving me a eye kind of look. She looked so cute. I could never have a better dog than my Chela (my dog). Than I got dressed into my prettiest clothes for church and grabbed a sweater because it was cold. At church I got myself some hot coco at the coffee shop, went to worship, and helped my dad in Bible land. Today was a thrilling day.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Selling chocolate and festival
Today was a day that I will always remember. First, I got dressed and went to go sell a box of 60 candy bars and I'm sure that I will sell 100 boxes before the year is over. Then we had so much fun at a snow festival. First I climbed the rock climbing wall. Next I went in a maze that was pretty fun. Then I went on a fun slide and also was on a adventure sort of. And last I went on a snow slide. When we went home we watched Merlin. Today is awesome.
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